Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Spencer and Sarah

Spencer doesn't have a chance when it comes to being spoiled!! Sarah is so good with him. Clay doesn't really care for her giving Spencer much attention but he will tolerate it for a while. Sarah has a baby at home that she now calls Spencer and takes very good and constant care of.

Our luck with storms

We had another storm Sunday night - 60 mph straight line winds. I was really glad they got the roof finished Saturday. We only lost one limb out of the cottonwood tree. David had left my pick up in the driveway so that he could clean up around the house some more - just to make sure I don't get any roofing nails in my tires. The limb fell out of the tree and went directly over the hood of my truck and landed on the other side. Maybe this means our luck is getting better when it comes to storm damage! I certainly hope so. I would have been one upset woman if my truck had been messed up!!

The new roof

We got the new roof on over the holiday weekend. We went with a dark grey instead of the light brown that was on it. We still have a long way to go before everything is fixed and I really wonder if we will ever get it done.

When the masonary work is done on the foundation we are going to paint over the red on the blocks. The new color shingles really changed the look o the whole house!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Some of my favorite pictures.

Some of my favorite pictures. Clay is a great help. He really is a good big brother. He is adjusting fairly well and has moments but he's doing great.

Spencer is doing good too. Eating, sleeping, peeing and pooping are his current accomplishments. He can lift his head up and turn it from side to side when he wants. He is very active. GiGi is having a hard time keeping up with the laundry. When Spencer decides to fill a diaper he over flows them. He weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz. when he was born and 7 lbs. 3 oz. when we left the hospital. He weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. today at the doctor, so he's gaining good.

Mom has been a life saver. She is going home on Wednesday and I am very, very scared. We've done pretty good though and I'm getting around better everyday. She gets up with Spencer in the night, changes him and brings him to me to nurse and when he's done, she takes him and puts him back to bed. She also gets up ith Clay when he needs it. She's been doing the laundry, cooking and cleaning. I think Papa Johnny may be ready for her to come home though. They have two new calves since she's been gone.

We are going to keep taking pictures so check back often!!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Spencer Brandon Aborn

Spencer Brandon Aborn
May 10, 2008
8:46 am
8 lbs. 2 oz.
21 inches

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Tornado (EF0) at the Aborn's

Our storm damage was minor but it was enough for me to freak out!! The roof will have to be replaced along with the siding and one window on the end of the house. The siren's woke me up at 6:06 am and by 6:28 am David was outside calling his brother-in-law, the Roofer Man, Kenny. By 7 am Kenny and his crew had our house tarped and temporarily fixed and went to work on our neighbors. We have a lot of water damage on the ceilings inside the house and don't know if the insurance company will replace the ceilings or not. The insulation all got wet in the attic and the entire house is starting to smell. We only lost one window and it is at the head of Clay's bed. We had just got him out of his room and in a closet when it busted. Glass is everywhere and I think the insurance company may replace the carpet. When I called about our claim, they said we would be at the top of the list for the adjusters to come see because I'm am due to have Spencer in 7 days!!!! Our agent wants us to be able to bring him home to a complete house and not one missing a roof! (Some of the pictures are grainy because it ws so dark when I took them. The sun was coming up but the clouds weren't helping. I had to lighten them up after I downloaded them but you can still see the damage.)

My favorite tree in the whole yard, twisted and snapped. It's the main trunk too so the whole tree will probably have to come out. It's in the backyard by the deck. The dogs are all ok but an extra dog house we have that was on the deck was found about 1/8 mile east of the house in a pasture with some heifers.
This is what we saw when we looked ot the window first thing after the storm. This is across the street. Our neighbor's, Bill and Terri Philpott park their vehicles under trees to minimize hail damage. Didn't work out so well for them this time. The suburban here was driveable once they got the tree out but there is a chance that the insurance compan will total it because of the damage to the cab. Their son, Mark's truck had a limb go through the roof so it is totaled. It ran long enough to move it and that was it.

More Storm Damage

This really got to me. This is a bumper pull travel trailer of the Philpott's, not where it was the night before. They think it only rolled once but that's enough for me. They finally got it flipped back on it's wheels Friday afternoon.

This was a huge tree at our other neighbor's house. You can kinda see the house in the background. He was standing at the window trying to figure out what was going on when it came down and fell towrds him. It missed the house by about 3 feet. He was a little shook up after that. A lot of the big trees in our neighbor hood will now be burned for firewood next winter!
This is the scene downtown (off of the square) where the most damage was done. That's a u-shaped shopping center that no loger has any roof anywhere or any signs left. It contained the National TV Sales and Rental, O'Reilly's Auto Parts and several small shops. O'reilly's is estimating 45 days before they open again.