Friday, July 4, 2008

In Texas

Well, it's good to be in Texas. We arrived on June 26th and have done nothing but eat and sleep since we got here. We ventured to Memphis and Clay and I got a haircut. I had to hold Clay in my lap. He cried so hard he threw up. Pat was mad at me for forcing him because she thought he was going to hate her. He got over it pretty quickly with the help of a snow cone. Pat cut 4 inches or so off of my hair. It looks and feels a lot better.
Spencer attended his first rodeo - 7 weeks old. It was the Junior rodeo at Clarendon. Casey McCleskey rode for the Tule Ranch. They didn't win but they made a good showin'. They did sorting, trailer loading, branding, and steer mugging. Clay was in awe the entire time but didn't want to ride Poncho, Cooper's horse.

Happy July 4th! We'll write more later but now we have to get ready for the parade.

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