Sunday, June 22, 2008

Clay is still a great big brother!

Clay is still really good with Spencer. He wants to hold him all the time. Spencer is a good baby. He has his moments but we all do.
They are coming Monday morning to fix the ceiling in the garage. I will be working to remove the trim in the master bedroom, little bathroom, hall, living room, dining room and kitchen. As soon as I get that done, we will move all the furniture in those rooms to the middle and cover it with plastic and they will come fix the walls and ceilings in the house. I hope to get it done by Tuesday morning.
I mowed and weed eated Saturday and sunburned my arms and neck. I have a few small blisters that really hurt. Clay wanted to 'tuk' when I got done and I told him no because I was hot and he told me to quit being a whiny butt.
I also took Kaytee, Emily, Clay, Julie and some of her friends fishing at Sutton's pond. Emily caught one and Clay got FIVE. Nobody else caught anything. Clay would rather feed the fish than actually fishing for them.
I go to the doctor Tuesday afternoon. I expect a good report, I've been feeling better and getting around better. Adjusting to two kids is better now too. I can get up, nurse Spencer, get him and me and Clay dressed and out the door in a little over on an hour. It used to take that long to nurse Spencer and get him dressed. We made it to church today. Going to church is pure torture for Clay and he doesn't really like it. It's only because he has to be quiet. He almost explodes. My saving grace is that Mrs. Janet, Doug, Gina and Sarah are usually there. Sarah and Clay have to sit together and share a hymnal. Spencer loves to go to church. He gets puled out of his car seat the second we hit the door and doesn't get put down until we leave. Mrs. Janet and Gina fight over him during worship service and then in Sunday School, the class plays pass the baby.
I'm making a list of what all I think we will need to go to Texas. I made a list and then had to go back and trim it down. I've trimmed it down twice and I still don't think I'll be able to ft it all in the pickup. I don't know when we are going and I don't know how long we will be gone. It depends on how long they take to fix the walls and ceilings and I still have to line up somebody to come paint everything while we are gone. All the furniture will be covered and me and the boys don't need to breathe all the fumes. David will stay at his mom and dad's. Close enough to keep an eye on things but not staying in the house either. I don't know what I will do with me fish while we are gone. My plants will go to Gracie's while we are gone she doesn't mind. She has an extremely green thumb. They haven't started fixing their house yet. They are really good neighbors and we are glad they are back from Arizona.
We'll post more later. I have some really good pictures that I will get uploaded eventually.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Spencer Smiling!!

Spencer has started grinning when he wants to - it's not just gas anymore. He likes for me to talk to him but still flinches when he hears Clay coming. Not that Clay has ever hurt him - he's just rough and loud, very loud.
Spencer is feeling better but not completely over his cold. Clay is feeling better and I think is over his. I hope we can got to church in the morning so I can show Spencer off but will have to see how the night goes!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Spencer - 4 weeks old

Isn't he CUTE!?!?!?!?!?!

One quick story about Clay -

I lost him the other day and knew he was hiding from me but for the life of me couldn't find him and for once he wasn't giggling or talking. When I found him I had to grab my camera. Who knew the bassinet could double for bunk beds.

Clay's TWO babies

Clay is still really good with Spencer but the new has definitely wore off. He's not so enthusiastic about going and getting diapers or a pacifier but he does talk to him A LOT. Even when the poor baby is trying to go to sleep. I guess with time Spencer will just learn to ignore Clay and go to sleep anyway.

I don't know what Spencer's tummy troubles are being caused by but he is having trouble. He burps so hard and long when you finally get him to burp that it hurts. I've tried everything I know to help and nothing is working. None of the foods I have been eating seem to be bothering him that I can tell. I don't eat something for 2 days and then have it the next day and see how he acts and nothing is making it better. I also wonder if he's not going through a growth spurt. They say they go through one at 1 month of age (which, yesterday he was 4 weeks old) because he wants to eat about every 3 hours. The other kicker in all this is that he's sick. He has more snot and sinus drainage than one baby should have. The only person I know who has more is Clay and it's running out of his nose in bucket fulls right now. I really wanted to take Spencer to church today and show him off but I can't justify taking TWO sick kids out of the house so we are staying home.

Anyway, the house is coming along. The outside is almost done. They will come fix the siding sometime soon. We have to wait til it quits storming long enough to do it. We are getting bids for the inside work. We are pretty much going to have to move out to get it all fixed at once so when that work starts, me and the boys are going to Texas. We are going to the Panhandle for Spencer to meet Mam-maw and Papa and Granny Virgie and probably lots of other people. It depends on how long we are going to have to be gone but we may go to Roswell to see Gran and then Mom's. I really want to go to Mom's, she's got her pool open and I would love to go swimming. Not that I'm ready to put on a swimsuit yet but I have been wearing regular clothes since Spencer was 3 weeks old. That was exciting for me. I wanted Clay to take swimming lessons this year but we will probably be in Texas when they have them.

Anyway, we'll post more later.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Big Differences

You know, people warned me that Spencer would be totally different from Clay. So I've decided to make a list.
Spencer -
SLEEPS 6 hours at night!!! WOOHOO!!! Clay still doesn't.
Prefers to nurse over a bottle. Clay liked the bottle, I guess it was easier.
Has more diaper rash. I've already been through a case of Butt Paste.
Hates baths. I can't keep Clay out of the water.
Hates to be naked. Clay cries when I make him get dressed.

However, ther are some similarities -
They both fight going to sleep.
They both like to sleep on their tummies.
They both have an amazing unconditional love for their Mommy.

And whoever said you can't spoil a newborn can feel free to come sleep with Spencer on their chest in the recliner chair everynight. That's the best way he sleeps.

Clay is still really good with him. I have been impressed. Now if we could just get Clay potty trained!!!!!!